#TBT [ThrowBackThursday] week 26 of 2015. This week, something I remember from my visit to Russia, 1 of the 52 countries I visited prior to 2015.
As I’m writing this #TBT story I’m in Russia, not in St. Petersburg but in Moscow. Exactly 5 years ago during this time in June I was for the first time in Russia. I normally do not experience any jetlag and with an hour difference with Europe it would be strange to have one in St. Petersburg I thought. Not the time difference, but the white nights that only got dusky for an hour or two messed up my biological clock. St. Petersburgs location is so north that during the longest days it doesn’t really get dark. The day I arrived in the afternoon I thought I would go for a city walk and it was not until midnight that I realized I not even had dinner! This was the start of a fight against my biological clock as the next morning I had to get up at 7 AM again and it was not until 4 AM I was in bed. The white nights kept chasing me during the five days I was in St. Petersburg. I will never forget this trip and I learned the hard way not to trust nature’s day and night cycle but my internal biological clock!
Don’t end up on the wrong side of the bridges during the white nights!
St. Petersburg is divided in two by the Neva River. A beautiful river with many bridges which open at night for the boats, all of them! If you are at the wrong side, you will have a big problem getting back during the time they are open. So be warned, if you are at the wrong side and want to get back make sure you make it in time, wait or see if there is some small boat that can bring you! I was unlucky one night and had to wait to early morning to be able to head back. This made my biological clock even more messed up!
These memories look like they might be unpleasant but they actually were great experiences I not regret undergoing. They make you develop yourself, learn and this is good for everyone!
Curious what I did more in St. Petersburg, Russia? Read it here.
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